Соңғы жаңалықтар
Соңғы жаңалықтар

Бұл қыздың бір жыл ішінде қалай өзгергеніне жәй ғана көз салып шығыңыз (фото)

Ливерпулде тұратын Дженнифер Гинлидің Инстаграмдағы парақшасына 90 мыңнан астам адам жазылған. Ол күн сайын өз оқырмандарын таңғалдырудан жалықпай келеді.


Дженниферге жігіті енді-енді ұсыныс жасайын деп жүргенде, қыз олай істеуге тыйым салады. Өйткені, ол “семіз келін” атанғысы келмеді.

HAPPY DECEMBER! I thought I would kick it off with a #transformationpicture ❤️ Left – a couple of years ago on Christmas Eve 😟 Right – last Sunday 😊 Size 24/26 to an 8/10 all in one year. I have finally DONE it. It was literally the battle of my life. I could never understand why food controlled me! Why could I not refuse it or change?! My mentality let me down. I lived years of the viscous cycle; extreme diet or alllll the food. 😥 14 GCSE’s, 5 A A level’s, a joint honours law degree, a successful career – NO problem! Control what I put in my gob – THE problem of my life. It seemed absolutely impossible and was literally my destroyer. At 25 years old I knew I had to change or I would spent the rest of my life overweight. It brought me to tears too often. I wasn’t depressed, I had a great life otherwise, when alone or looking in the mirror I just genuinely thought why? Why am I doing this to myself?! It is ONLY food. But it’s not only food when you’re basically addicted, when you’re so mentally and emotionally reliant on food, when you think bad food makes you feel good. Now I know it IS only food, it’s not magic. That took A LOT of work to believe that. If you LOVE food you’ll always have those little mental battles. You CAN change and win those battles the majority of your days. ❤️ I hate when slim people say it’s simple; eat less, move more, 3 healthy meals a day blahblah. That is SO patronising and frustrating. Completely rewiring your mind and changing your habits is the furthest from simple you can get. I joined @slimmingworld for the FOURTH time 6 stone heavier than the 1st time I joined. I was embarrassed, upset, frustrated but also motivated. Time doesn’t wait for nobody. Procrastination has no place in your life regarding your health and happiness. You won’t see the end for a very long time. Did I join last May and think I’d be a size 8 and weigh half my start weight?! NO! That would have sounded like nonsense to the old me. I promise you with all my heart you are capable, fight the old you in your mind every single day, make new habits. Your dream life is waiting for you. Remember willpower is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets ❣

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Ол кезде қыздың салмағы 120 келі еді. Демалыстан оралып суретіне қараған ол әрі қарай бұлай жалғастыруға болмайтынын түсінді. Осылайша еңбектенген Дженнифер бір жыл ішінде салмағының тең жартысын тастады. 

#transformationtuesday Left – January 2015 feeling so uncomfortable and unhappy. A few pounds away from my heaviest weight, four months before joining @slimmingworld 😞 Right – August 2016 feeling so comfortable and happy in my own skin, confident ahead of walking down the aisle as my best friend’s bridesmaid 👸 🔹 The physical change feels crazy, I sometimes double take at my own reflection, my mind still hasn’t caught up! BUT the biggest change is my MIND! I now actually believe myself when I say ‘I will…..’. I’ve never been so proud of myself, I could literally write a book on my weight loss attempts. I got to the point where food had to be ruled out, in my mind that was the only logic, I had no control!! What do you think I done after Cambridge weight plan, lighterlife and celebrity slim? Binged and gained more weight! THAT is not normality and it was reinforcing my belief that I had NO control. Forget DIETS, join SW and food optimise your way to a strong mind and health boy! 💫 🔹 SW is a revelation and it made me trust myself with food. There were times I genuinely thought I’d never be capable, I hated my false promises of starting a diet every Monday, much more than I hated how I looked. 😥 🔹 Plus I spent one year socialising all whilst gaining this new me! I didn’t become happy once I reached target, I became happier with every single day of my journey. It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time to go from self destruction mode to WILLPOWER of steel but you CAN DO IT! Seriously if you knew the old me you’d believe me when I told you if I can anyone can. I’m 5 foot 5, I was 19 stone 4 lb, I’m now HALF that (9 stone 9 lb!) and got here without exercising. Find me a better food plan that food optimising?! I think you’ll find yourself unable. HAPPY TUESDAY BEAUTIFUL HUMANS! Have a GREAT day on plan, flex that will power and go to bed proud of yourself ❣️ 🔹 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Зиянды тамақтардан бас тартқан ол “Арықтаушылар әлемі” тобына қосылды. Онда адамдар артық салмақтан арылу жолында бір-біріне көмектесіп, өз блоктарында пайдалы әрі дәмді тамақтармен бөлісіп отыратын.

#facetofacefriday On the left is a few days before I joined Slimming World, I was fed up, always exhausted and completely ruled by food. I remember taking that picture as sort of ‘before’, just to remember those days when I decided to rejoin. I felt embarrassed going back and rejoining heavier than ever but aren’t I glad I did?! I was so fed up of wasting my life overweight. Well done to you January joiners, I didn’t join until May, I failed a few more diets, tried SW from home and comfort ate for another four months after New Year! We all have those moments where we have to go THAT IS ENOUGH. If you have reached that point, never forget it because it will fuel you on when you have difficult days. I do it even now!! When I’m tempted by something that will take me off plan for no good reason I say to myself ‘Jennifer don’t you think you’ve had enough of *insert bad food* in your time?!’. I need that type of mental reasoning. It’s not depriving myself, it’s knowing when indulging is worth it for my own mentality. I NEVER want to feel out of control ever again and I simply won’t let food ruin me the way it used too, I always have that little voice inside my head that reminds me ‘it’s only food Jen’. 👊😊 One thing I really hate (and I hate that word) is when assumptions are made that you’re not enjoying yourself if you’re not indulging in food. For example eating out and food optimising your way through it. OF COURSE you are enjoying yourself, you’re with friends/family and fulfilling your hungers needs with delicious food. Do you need that 45 syn dessert to go home and know you’ve enjoyed yourself?! NO! Don’t let anyone place their ‘enjoying yourself’ models onto you! Especially a naturally slim person who has never had food issues. Maybe they can go into a restaurant and order a 3 course mega syn meal and come out physically and mentally unscathed. I can without doubt do that now at at target (or in weight loss mode on special occasions) BUT it is difficult mentally to do that in weight loss mode without doing any damage. YOU CAN ENJOY your life whilst gaining control and health, and achieving you dreams with SW 💫💓

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

“Мен ол жерден арықтауға деген үлкен мотивация алдым. Барлығы мені қолдап, жылы пікір айтты”, – дейді Дженн. 

#mondaymotivation Photo on the left – March 2015, photo on the right – last Friday! A much healthier, happier, confident version of myself!! All thanks to @slimmingworld and my commitment to change! 💖 19 stone 4 lb ➡️ 9 stone 9 lb Size 24/26 ➡️ size 8/10 No control ➡️ control Fake smiles ➡️ true happiness I never dreamed I’d be confident enough to go out wearing a crop top! Your dreams really can be achieved if you try every single day. Losing weight is a mental battle and it is not easy at all! Very difficult but achievable. I spent years thinking I’d be overweight forever as I failed countless times. The evening of that before picture I had ripped that size 24 skirt as it was too tight, last weekend I had room in my size 8 skirt! I’m SO proud of myself and the cherry on he cake is that I’ve shared my whole journey and could possibly inspire others to believe in themselves! On Saturday I was voted Miss Slinky by my class members, that term makes me smile but it is SO true! It’s great to now know as a young girl I can dress for my fashion sense, not to hide myself! I definitely feel confident and Slinky thanks to SW ❣️ It doesn’t happen overnight but it does happen if you put in the effort daily. WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS 💪👗👌 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#achievedtarget#weighinresults#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#greatestloser2016#womanoftheyear2016#missslinky#losthalfmybodyweight#weightlossblogger#weightlosstip#thisgirlcan#missslinky2016

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Осындай ұзақ уақыт бойғы еңбектен кейін, Гинли “Талдырмаш ару 2017” атағын иеленеді. Бұл кезде оның салмағы 63 келіге дейін төмендеген еді.

#mondaymotivation Left – December 2014 on holiday in Florida 😔 Right – yesterday, 9 stone, 4lb lighter 😁 It was that holiday that was my lowest point, it forced me to realise how out of control my weight was. I’d lived in size 20/22 stretchy leggings (that dug into my stomach) and size 20/22 floaty tunics. I kidded myself I was still that size. Knowing I couldn’t wear leggings in Florida and had to buy shorts (size 26) forced me to realise how much bigger I had gotten. I had so much humiliation that overshadowed a holiday of a lifetime. I had to get on the bigger, adjusted seats on rides, my boyfriend had to literally shove it down to fasten me in. I couldn’t fit on 2 rides and had to try the tester seat in front of a que full of people. I can’t put into words how humiliated and ashamed I felt trying to squeeze in that seat, failing and having a que full of people watch you walk away. 😪 Myself, my boyfriend and my brother in law all got to @universalorlando really early one day to get on all the rides, we were so excited to go on Rock ‘n’ Roller coaster. I couldn’t fit in, didn’t show my emotions and encouraged them to go on and I would wait. My boyfriend was adamant he was staying with me, I kept having to tell him to go, eventually they went and got on. Where did I go? To a food place next to it, sat alone and ate a huge slice of pepperoni pizza and a red velvet funnel cake. Did I feel better? Well whilst eating I felt happy and then I went to the toilet, seen myself in the mirror and cried. After eating it I felt a million times worse and hated myself. 😢 I could tell you countless stories of humiliation and upset that really should have spurred me on to make a change but they never. It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed before (I could write a book on my failed attempts!) just NEVER give up as you are capable! You have to fight it with all you have. Take it one meal at a time, one day at a time! After getting home from Florida it still took me 5 months of comfort eating before I joined @slimmingworld and committed to changing my life. WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS. 💪👊 #slimmingworld#slimmingworldtargetmember#swtargetmember

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Енді Дженнифердің сүйіктісімен бас қосатын уақыты да алыс емес. Жігіті де көптен күтіп жүрген “иә” деген жауапты жақын арада естиді.


Қыз артық салмақтан арылу жолында физикалық ғана емес, психологиялық күресті де басынан өткергенін айтады.


Бұл қиындық оның төзімді болып, өз-өзіне сенімді бола білуіне жол ашқан.
