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Анджелина Джолидің жаңа махаббатымен түскен суреттері жария болды (фото)

Америкалық Radar Online басылымы голливуд жұлдызы Анджелина Джолидің жаңа өмірінен хабар беретін суреттерін жариялады.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE. Coleman-Rayner. Siem Reap, Cambodia. February 21, 2017 Angelina Jolie is all smiles as she steps out in Cambodia with a handsome mystery man, who has also been bonding with her six young children and buying her jewelry. The actress and director, 41, has been promoting her passion movie, ‘First They Killed My Father’, in the city of Siem Reap whilst also enjoying down time in between work commitments. In these exclusive photos Angelina and her muscular, tattooed companion are seen leaving her luxury hotel together on Friday, before heading to a local food market - accompanied by a burly security guard [in purple shirt] - the following day. A local jewelry dealer named Seng Nam [also pictured] reveals Angelina’s male friend also purchased two 18 karat gold bracelets worth $260 in total which were intended as gifts for her and/or the children. CREDIT LINE MUST READ: Coleman-Rayner Tel US (001) 310 474 4343 - Office www.coleman-rayner.com

Бұл туралы Inquisitr.com хабарлайды.

Жаңа жарияланған суреттерде Джолидің белгісіз ер адаммен бірге жүргені анық көрінеді.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE. Coleman-Rayner. Siem Reap, Cambodia. February 21, 2017 Angelina Jolie is all smiles as she steps out in Cambodia with a handsome mystery man, who has also been bonding with her six young children and buying her jewelry. The actress and director, 41, has been promoting her passion movie, ‘First They Killed My Father’, in the city of Siem Reap whilst also enjoying down time in between work commitments. In these exclusive photos Angelina and her muscular, tattooed companion are seen leaving her luxury hotel together on Friday, before heading to a local food market - accompanied by a burly security guard [in purple shirt] - the following day. A local jewelry dealer named Seng Nam [also pictured] reveals Angelina’s male friend also purchased two 18 karat gold bracelets worth $260 in total which were intended as gifts for her and/or the children. CREDIT LINE MUST READ: Coleman-Rayner Tel US (001) 310 474 4343 - Office www.coleman-rayner.com

Сурттер Камбоджа елінде түсірілген.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE. Coleman-Rayner. Siem Reap, Cambodia. February 21, 2017 Angelina Jolie is all smiles as she steps out in Cambodia with a handsome mystery man, who has also been bonding with her six young children and buying her jewelry. The actress and director, 41, has been promoting her passion movie, ‘First They Killed My Father’, in the city of Siem Reap whilst also enjoying down time in between work commitments. In these exclusive photos Angelina and her muscular, tattooed companion are seen leaving her luxury hotel together on Friday, before heading to a local food market - accompanied by a burly security guard [in purple shirt] - the following day. A local jewelry dealer named Seng Nam [also pictured] reveals Angelina’s male friend also purchased two 18 karat gold bracelets worth $260 in total which were intended as gifts for her and/or the children. CREDIT LINE MUST READ: Coleman-Rayner Tel US (001) 310 474 4343 - Office www.coleman-rayner.com

Онда актриса ақпан айының соңында алты баласымен бірге аттанып кеткен болатын. Сурттерден оның жүзінде қуаныш бар екені байқалады.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE. Coleman-Rayner. Siem Reap, Cambodia. February 21, 2017 Angelina Jolie is all smiles as she steps out in Cambodia with a handsome mystery man, who has also been bonding with her six young children and buying her jewelry. The actress and director, 41, has been promoting her passion movie, ‘First They Killed My Father’, in the city of Siem Reap whilst also enjoying down time in between work commitments. In these exclusive photos Angelina and her muscular, tattooed companion are seen leaving her luxury hotel together on Friday, before heading to a local food market - accompanied by a burly security guard [in purple shirt] - the following day. A local jewelry dealer named Seng Nam [also pictured] reveals Angelina’s male friend also purchased two 18 karat gold bracelets worth $260 in total which were intended as gifts for her and/or the children. CREDIT LINE MUST READ: Coleman-Rayner Tel US (001) 310 474 4343 - Office www.coleman-rayner.com

Бұл ретте сенімді дерек көзі ер адамның актрисаның оққағары емес екендігін атап өткен.


БАҚ осыдан соң бұл жас жігіт актрисаның жаңа махаббаты деп болжам жасаған.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE. Coleman-Rayner. Siem Reap, Cambodia. February 21, 2017 Angelina Jolie is all smiles as she steps out in Cambodia with a handsome mystery man, who has also been bonding with her six young children and buying her jewelry. The actress and director, 41, has been promoting her passion movie, ‘First They Killed My Father’, in the city of Siem Reap whilst also enjoying down time in between work commitments. In these exclusive photos Angelina and her muscular, tattooed companion are seen leaving her luxury hotel together on Friday, before heading to a local food market - accompanied by a burly security guard [in purple shirt] - the following day. A local jewelry dealer named Seng Nam [also pictured] reveals Angelina’s male friend also purchased two 18 karat gold bracelets worth $260 in total which were intended as gifts for her and/or the children. CREDIT LINE MUST READ: Coleman-Rayner Tel US (001) 310 474 4343 - Office www.coleman-rayner.com

Анджелина Джоли мен Бред Питт 2016 жылдың қыркүйегінде ажырасқан болатын.

Оқи отырыңыз:

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