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Соңғы жаңалықтар

Американдық семіз әйелдің иогамен керемет айналысуы көпшілікті тәнті етті

Америкадағы Солтүстік Каролина штатының толық денелі әйел тұрғыны өзінің иогамен айналысып жатқан суреттерін әлеуметтік желіге жүктеп, қолданушыларды таңқалдырды.


Әйел Инстаграмдағы парақшасына суреттер салып, өзінің жаттығуларынан репортаж жасап отырады.

28 жастағы Джессамайн Стенли өзінің оқырмандарын, толық адамдарға деген қатып қалған қасаң қағидалардан арылуға шақырады. Ол “семіздік” сөзінің адамдарды мазақтау ұғымымен астасып кеткендігіне қарсы күрес жүргізуде. Өзінің айтуынша, толықтығы үшін тіпті де ұялмайды. Ол сондай-ақ, иогадан сабақ өтіп, адвокат болып жұмыс істейді. Оның Инстаграмдағы аккаунтына 170 мыңнан астам адам жазылған.

I’m teaching the noon flow at @durhamyoga today & it’s my next to last @durhamyoga class for the summer- see y’all at noon! While walking along the Thames outside the #tatemodernmuseum, @photoyography & I came across this giant bubble blowing display. Rosa asked the artist if we could shoot right in the midst of his beautiful scene. You know me- I was mad shy and embarrassed to break up his display. Not to mention that everyone and their mum was milling around and many of those people stopped to stare at and photograph the chubby black American in flower pants. But there was a lot of smiling and laughing. And Rosa totally distracted from my “stage fright”, enough for me to eventually pose on the Millennium Bridge. But this was one of the first shots from that day and it’s reminding me to feel really grateful for all the photographers who have pushed me out of my comfort zone this year. I am very shy when it comes to this kind of photography because my attitude towards yoga asana photographs has changed so dramatically since the beginning of my yoga practice. But the best photographers have been sympathetic to my concerns while also getting my ass out into the middle of dense urban traffic if necessary. And it’s because they’ve all been chill enough to just let me do my thing. Anyway, you know who you are, and both me and my practice are really fucking grateful for you. Bodysuit- @danskinapparel Leggings- @lineagewear 📸 by @photoyography

Фото опубликовано Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn)


Before I arrived in Dubai, my personal safety was the #1 concern of all my loved ones. It’s common knowledge that Americans are taught to fear this part of the world & I think that fear is misplaced. Honestly, I feel much more unsafe on a daily basis in my hometown than I have at any point while traveling in Dubai & I think it’s actually BECAUSE of the different cultural context. Here’s the thing- at home, men are liable to catcall/stalk/harass women and their rabid sexual attraction is the only necessary justification. Once, while walking home late at night in NYC, a dude followed me on a bike for several blocks & I eventually started running away from him. When he caught up w/ me (HE WAS ON A BIKE, I’M NOT SUPERMAN), he asked why I was running. I said, “BECAUSE YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME.” Then he got all sheepish: “oh, I just wanted to say you look pretty.” Every time I’ve told this story to other American femmes they just shrug their shoulders like, “…duh.” American women are pretty desensitized to overt sexism-it’s part of our collective rape culture shoulder shrug. And our government has used fear mongering to make us especially afraid of being female across international borders. I’m not saying these concerns are always invalid but I felt safe in Dubai in a way I don’t feel safe at home. Maybe it’s because of the company I kept or the places I went- let’s face it, expat life is kinda like going to Disney World. But I think there’s a sizable argument that the US government has created a fear factor in the wake of 9/11 that’s actually smoke in mirrors to fan the flames of racism. Again, my experience is based upon a week spent in a very expat-friendly environment so make whatever judgments you’d like based on those facts. But I am walking away from this trip with a deep respect for the religious customs and cultural differences which make for a much less sexually exploitive environment than the normalized life of my homeland. I think we fear what we don’t know, and I want to make a personal commitment to stop fearing what I don’t understand. #worldcitizen #jessjetset 📸 x @lathief_photography

Фото опубликовано Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn)


London, I will miss you so much. I’m a terrible networker and therefore had fabulous life changing connections with a lot of cool people and didn’t bother to exchange contact info. So if you’re one of those people & perhaps we split an Uber pool at 4am or cried together after a yoga class or acted completely ridiculous outside a pub in the wee hours or chuckled about the meaning of art at the @National_Gallery or acted really nerdy outside Privet Drive at @wbtourlondon or whatever the fuck, this is my way of saying “IT WAS DOPE AS HELL TO MEET YOU.” For real- trust me, I’ll be back. ✌🏾️🇬🇧❤️✈️💋 See y’all tomorrow, Dubai- if you’re in the UAE, I’ll be teaching classes at @voyogauae all weekend- click the link in my Instagram header for more info! And if you’re sitting at home with a powerful case of wanderlust and want to live vicariously through my international adventures, follow me on snapchat- I’m @mynameisjessamy and trust me, I am living the American stereotype all over the place and giving no fucks whatsoever.💯✈️💯 Throwback to that time I practiced my #hanumanasana game in the shadow of epic architecture on the Millenium Bridge. Leggings- @lineagewear Bodysuit- @danskinapparel Photo by my love @photoyography Splits by @cbquality

Фото опубликовано Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn)
